Lack of Investments Is A Problem For Ghanaian Artists – Kingsmotion Gh

Kingsmotion Gh
Kingsmotion Gh

Renowned Ghanaian blogger, promoter and a digital marketer Kingsmotion Gh has highlighted reasons why Ghanaian artistes are not outshining Nigerians in terms of music.

The talents Ghana Musicians posses is highly above that of Nigerian Musicians. The problem with our artists are lack of investments, no cohesion among artists musically and inadequate knowledge segregation.

Since music is a professional career like banking, teaching, etc you have to know the right things at every level of your music life (You must be well informed about the pros and cons). You don’t sit to wait for investors.

Read also:

Make the music business attractive with good production and branding, then you can go out there to seek for the “business “ help of investors (There are lot of great investors all around the world, make good use of the internet in your search).

One way or the other, every investor is opportunistic so don’t expect cheap labor.

Let’s deliberate on few of these.

Do we have laws to curb free downloads? Do you expect the government to copyright your music for you?

Why do most of our artists give their mp3 songs to bloggers for free downloads and still complain of not making sales from music.

Are Ghanaian artists and producers well informed about various types of royalties? Are they utilizing it? They don’t even care to speak to an expert.

According to few researches and pep interviews Kingsmotion had with few artists, they think there are people in this country who are supposed to make the music system work, but the truth of the matter is, you have all the resources at your disposal (digitally). You can’t cry to a private establishment that is making business off music to help build the industry by hook or crook!

You can only cry to the government cos there is no Music Industry In Ghana, build it the hardest way by following the Modernized ethics.

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