Ghanaian actor Kwadwo Nkansah, popularly known as Lil Win, celebrated his birthday in a very special way this year. On April 19th, 2023, he gave out more than 500 wheelchairs, along with money and food, to people with disabilities in the streets of Kumasi.
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The event, which was organized by the actor’s team, started early in the morning as Lil Win and his team hit the streets of Kumasi to distribute the gifts to people with disabilities. The actor, who turned 37 on this day, decided to mark his birthday by giving back to the community, especially to those who are less fortunate.
The gesture was well-received by the community, as people with disabilities and their families were seen shedding tears of joy as they received their gifts. Lil Win personally handed over the wheelchairs, money, and food to the beneficiaries, taking time to interact with them and share in their joy.
The event was not only an opportunity for Lil Win to give back to the community, but also to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people with disabilities. Many people stopped to watch as Lil Win and his team distributed the gifts, and some took the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the needs of people with disabilities.
The event was a huge success, and Lil Win’s philanthropic gesture was praised by many. It is hoped that his act of kindness will inspire others to give back to the community, especially to those who are less fortunate.
He wrote:
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
As part of my social responsibility, I asked management to cash out all revenue generated on my TikTok for a Steet Disability Project ….. Where we visited 16 challenged persons within kumasi…. Dash them a Wheelchair and cash envelope of Ghc1000.……. Just to mark a decade of stardom
Thus me Lilwin